Peter Dowd

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Children Missing Education Consultation

The Government recently held a consultation on support for children missing education (CME).

CME refers to children of compulsory school age who are not registered at a school and are not receiving suitable education otherwise. According to the Department for Education, there is no legal definition of the word ‘suitable’, but it says suitable education may be provided in school, alternative provision and through home education.

In the 2021-22 academic year, local authorities identified an estimated 94,900 children missing education at some point that year. This includes children who are waiting for a school place and children whose education is deemed to be unsuitable, some of whom may be home educated.

I respect and support parents’ right to choose their child’s education. There are many reasons why parents believe that home education is right for their child, whether because of personal circumstances and learning needs, personal beliefs or wider factors. For some, it is chosen to meet the needs of children with mental health conditions, special educational needs, or as a result of bullying.

Many home educated children are taught by incredibly dedicated parents who provide education that is right for them, but sadly, this is not always the case. The Chief Inspector of Ofsted, the Children’s Commissioner, the Education Select Committee and the Centre for Social Justice have all highlighted that some home educated children are not receiving a suitable education and that some have been subject to safeguarding concerns.

All children have a right to learn in an environment that is safe and regulated and that supports them to thrive. The highest priority in my view is to protect children’s safety and wellbeing. There are multiple examples of local authorities playing a supportive role, but I know there are situations where this has not been successful. Ministers must make sure this is prevented wherever possible.

The consultation on support for CME concluded on 20 July 2023. The Government says it is currently analysing feedback from that consultation. I will follow developments closely.