Peter Dowd

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Greece Wildfires Advice

Following the news over the weekend of wildfires and the continued heatwave across southern Europe, the Association of British Insurers (ABI) has published advice on how Travel Insurance can support those impacted by these events.

The information and advice can be found here.

Constituents that are affected by the wildfires are urged to:

·                     Contact your tour operator or airline for advice and information.

·                     Always follow local health advice, such as dealing with heatwaves. Your travel insurance will apply in the usual way if you need emergency medical treatment due to extreme weather.

·                     If planning on travelling, always keep up to date with and follow the latest foreign travel advice on GOV.UK from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), especially as travelling against it is likely to invalidate your travel insurance.

·                     Check the scope of cover under your travel insurance policy. In some circumstances you may be covered for disruption caused by wildfires or extreme weather, or if you are injured or fall ill due to a wildfire, or heatwave.